Architecture´s Afterlife: TheMulti-sector impact of an architectural qualification

Architecture´s Afterlife

The Multi-sector impact of an architectural qualification

This study’s principal aim is to identify the multi-sector impact of an architecture degree within the context of Europe and the extent to which skills taught to architecture students are needed in other sectors. The study seeks to understand the skills gaps and mismatches between (1) what is taught in architecture schools and what is needed by today’s architecture
practices (2) what is taught in architecture schools and what is needed by other professions, industries and sectors with the goal to identify opportunities for a multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary curriculum that could more effectively serve student, labour market and societal needs. It responds to early-stage findings from a pre-application survey entitled “Architectural education: a progression inquiry” that elicited over 2500 responses from architecture graduates across the EU, and identified that on average, 40% of European Architecture graduates choose to work in the creative and cultural professions other tan architecture. This study seeks to understand why this is. It will identify the push and pull factors facing graduates, the sectors to where its target group – architecture graduates – are gravitating, the skills that are lacking in these sectors and how this deficit is impacting upon sector growth.

Its main objectives are to, (1) To map the extent to which architecture graduates are migrating into other creative and cultural sectors, across EU members-states and draw country-specific comparisons, (2) explore which industries architecture graduates are migrating towards, and to map their advancement levels within these sectors, (3) identify which skills are most
transferable between different sectors, those that are most valuable, and in which sectors skills shortages are situated (4) assess the potential positive impact upon the architecture industry and upon the affected sectors, (5) assess the impact for HE curricula, with a view to identifying key trans-disciplinary skills, and (6) to yield outcomes that benefit students, academe and industry.

Architecture’s Afterlife
Proyecto Innovación
Architecture’s Afterlife: The Multi-sector impat of an architectural qualification
36 months
UK01 British Council, in partnershio with Ecorys UK
Investigador principal de RCA
_Dra. Harriet Harriss
Colaboradores (coinvestigadores)
_Dr. Johan De Walsche , Facultad de Ciencias del Diseño, Universidad de Amberes, Bélgica
_Dra. Mia Roth-Čerina,  Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Arquitectura de Zagreb, Croacia
_Dra. Michela Barosio, Politecnico di Torino , Italia
_Dra. Carla Sentieri, UPV,  España
_Dag Boutsen , Decano de la Facultad de Arquitectura de KU Leuven, Bélgica
Colaboradores (socios de investigación)
_Consejo de Arquitectos de Europa  (ACE)
_Asociación Europea de Educación Arquitectónica  (EAAE)
_La Conferencia Permanente de Jefes de Escuelas de Arquitectura  (SCHOSA)
_Real Instituto de Arquitectos Británicos  (RIBA)